Gematria is an ancient numerical system used to interpret text. Through this system, each letter of the alphabet is assigned a numerical value. By summing the values of each letter in a word or phrase, one can gain insight into its deeper meaning. A gematria calculator is a tool that simplifies the process of calculating a word or phrase's Gematria value.
To use a Gematria calculator, simply type in your desired word or phrase into the text field provided and press "calculate". Depending on which calculator you are using, you will be given the traditional gematria values for the word or phrase and their corresponding meanings. For example, if you use the Hebrew gematria calculator, each letter will be assigned an equivalent Hebrew letter that has an associated numerical value (1-9 plus final letters). So if you type in "love," for example, Gematria would calculate it to have a corresponding number of 84 and mean "chest."
If your desired language does not have an associated Gematria calculator, you can still find some interesting patterns in vocabulary by assigning each character its own numerical value (A=1 all the way to Z=26). For example, if we take the classic literary phrase "to be or not to be" and assign all letters obvious numerical value (2+1+2+15+14…etc), we arrive at a total numerical value of 63. According to most gematrian sources this number represents Universal Love -- quite apropos when tied to one of William Shakespeare's most iconic lines!
In addition to interpreting words or phrases numerically with Gematria calculators, they are also useful when working with longer texts as it allows for easy numeric summations of each sentence. This makes it much easier to get an overall numeric pattern from longer texts including books and chapters from religious scriptures such as Torah or Bible.
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